Rep. Debra Lekanoff is the sponsor of a $6.5M Local Community Project request of the 2025 Capital Budget to support the Pea Patch Community Campus. The Campus includes 20 long-term rentals for households of low income and permanent facilities for the Food Bank and Resource Center. The whole District 40 team is on board: Representative Alex […]
OPAL is Hiring! Position: Facilities Manager
Organization’s Mission:The mission of OPAL Community Land Trust is to help sustain Orcas Island as a healthy, economically diverse community by providing permanently affordable homes and related education and support for islanders—families, seniors and singles—whose housing needs are not met by the traditional market. To accomplish its mission OPAL: (1) acquires land and buildings; (2) […]
OPAL in the Spotlight!
We’re thrilled to share an interview featuring Lisa Byers and Julie Brunner, as they discuss OPAL’s work and vision on Orcas Island. Dive into the conversation on local affordable housing solutions here:
Q&A with the Candidates for San Juan County Council
October 2024Two island residents, George Zweibel (Orcas Island) and Sandy Bishop (Lopez Island), asked the candidates for the San Juan County Council questions regarding affordable housing. These questions were designed to gather insights on how each candidate plans to address this critical issue. Running for Position 1 from San Juan Island are Kari McVeigh and […]
Helping Nature Take Back the Reddick Forest.
OPAL has made significant headway in restoring the Reddick Forest near the Bonnie Brae community by removing invasive species and planting native vegetation. With the expertise of ecologist, Samantha Martin (Field & Fern) and former Land Bank land steward, Eric Nelson (NW Habitat Management). To ensure the invasive blackberries do not return, a precise “cut […]
A New Chapter at Mount Baker Apartments
The Garcia Salinas family has found a fresh start in their renovated Mount Baker apartment. The family of four includes Verenice Salinas Ramírez, who works at Orcas Food Co-op, and Edson Garcia Guzman, who started his own construction business, “Black Rooster,” after learning the trade on the island. They are parents to Denilson and Alison […]
2024 Annual Meeting.
OPAL Annual Meeting Light Refreshments provided Tables set up to view or learn about:
Civics Class Bench: A Very Special Senior Project
Maddox Davis’s senior project in his 2023 Civics class, taught by Phil Comito, was something he wanted to be special. As he began research to build the bench for an Eastsound park, he recalled an empty space at April’s Grove in the landscape designed by Robin Kuklick. Prior to settling on his final design, Maddox […]
Kidder Way Update: 10 New Homes Are on the Way – Hurray!
After two years of planning, designing, and fundraising, construction of this small neighborhood of townhomes off Mt. Baker Road will begin early next year. “We’re deeply grateful to everyone who has contributed to make this possible — the state Housing Trust Fund, the county Home Fund, and the more than 100 individual donors who have […]
‘I Love My Purple Door – Never Had One Before!’
Northern Heights resident Carol Gehlner is another Orcasonian with an amazing backstory revealing her versatile energy – a career ranging from teaching and coordinating education on military bases, to work for a UN affiliate, management of a chain of gift stores, radiology sales, condominium management and general contracting. “Plus, crewing and scheduling for a commercial […]
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