Give Through Your Will
Owning or renting a decent, affordable home gives Orcas families the strength, stability and self-reliance they need to be successful in their jobs, in school and in the community which makes Orcas so vibrant. Your investment in OPAL helps us build the homes and apartments that are needed for these families.
You can keep Orcas healthy by becoming a member of OPAL’s Legacy Circle, a group of persons who have invested in permanently affordable housing on Orcas by leaving a gift to OPAL in their wills. Each of these gifts, whatever the size, serves as a permanent legacy to protect the character, vibrancy and diversity of Orcas.
For more information on how to help secure OPAL’s future by leaving a legacy gift, please take a look through our Legacy Giving Brochure.
Legacy gifts can be made in a variety of different ways, such as naming OPAL as a beneficiary in your IRA, bank account, investment accounts, commercial annuities or a life insurance policy; or a charitable bequest through your will or trust.
If you would like to discuss a gift to OPAL in your will, please contact OPAL’s executive director, Lisa Byers, at 360-376-3191 or