Help Make Housing Happen!
Your generous tax-deductible donation will help make affordable housing happen on Orcas Island, bridging the gap between the island’s high property values and the modest incomes of many who live and work here. Please contribute to OPAL today via our secure payment forms.
To support all of OPAL’s housing, Click the Donate to OPAL button below.
To direct your donation to the Pea Patch Community Campus, a collaboration between OPAL, the Food Bank and the Resource Center, click the Donate to the Pea Patch Campus button below.
Each year nearly 25% of OPAL’s financial support, or an average of $500,000, comes from individuals. In recent years about 15% of the island’s households have contributed to help OPAL implement its programs.
With your help, we can purchase suitable properties, build or renovate energy efficient and durable homes, and steward the 135 island homes we have already created.
Your gift says the health and diversity of Orcas MATTERS. Your gift makes it possible for more working families to live and thrive on Orcas.
Learn more about giving to OPAL by downloading and reading our current campaign brochure, Housing Touches Everyone. Or click
OPAL CLT is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with an open membership and a democratically elected board of trustees.
To donate, please click on the Donate Now button to enter our secure payment area, or if you prefer, you may mail a check to OPAL Community Land Trust at P.O. Box 1133, Eastsound, WA 98245.