Summary of the Long-Range Plan 2021–2030
To develop the long range plan, OPAL’s trustees and staff members talked with community leaders, OPAL homeowners and rental tenants over a two-year period to glean insights about the coming decade. The resulting 51-page plan, including scenarios for what the future might hold, is available upon request. This document summarizes that plan for OPAL’s activities through the year 2030.
OPAL helps sustain Orcas Island as a healthy, economically diverse community by providing permanently affordable homes and support for islanders whose housing needs are not met by the conventional market.
To accomplish its mission, OPAL:
- Acquires land and buildings;
- Develops housing in an environmentally and socially responsible manner;
- Constructs or renovates buildings so that they are healthy, durable and energy efficient;
- Provides loans and facilitates access to financing for home purchase, construction and repair;
- Educates and counsels applicants, homeowners and renters; and
- Stewards what it creates for current and future generations.
1) OPAL’s paramount responsibility is stewardship.
To make good on the promise of providing permanently affordable housing, OPAL will care for the land, the housing and the relationships that have been entrusted to us.
2) OPAL will continue to develop additional housing based on community need.
While the need for more housing is greater than the resources, OPAL will strive to add between 80 and 100 more permanently affordable homes.
3) OPAL will engage thoughtfully and creatively with opportunities and needs as they arise from the community.
OPAL welcomes new ideas and will evaluate opportunities through the lens of our
mission and values and guided by research and analysis.
1. Support homeowners’ efforts to maintain and repair their homes.
2. Help coordinate long-term periodic maintenance of house exteriors.
3. Improve transparency and reporting on use of lease fees.
4. Adopt sustainable systems for maintenance of common lands.
5. Assist neighborhoods with governance and dispute resolution.
6. Help homeowners with modifications to enable aging in place.
7. Integrate effective asset management for rental properties.
Right Relationships
8. Honor those who came before us and those who will come after.
9. Nurture collaborations to increase the breadth and depth of service.
NEW DEVELOPMENT: Add 80 to 100 Dwellings
10. Construct homes on land already owned by OPAL (25).
11. Purchase additional scattered-site houses.
12. Purchase existing rental housing to keep it affordable.
13. Acquire additional land for development.
14. Lay the groundwork for development on the Bartel Road property, and
15. Remain open to opportunities.
16. Honor individuals by meeting them where they are and tending relationships with care.
17. Tell stories about justice and the value of stewardship.
18. Design communication strategies based on research and that match island culture.
19. Sustain and strengthen collaborative partnerships.
20. Engage elected officials in solutions that work.
21. Lead efforts to re-authorize the San Juan County Home Fund.
22. Strengthen the Board through greater diversity, more robust committees, and education.
23. Increase staff capacity and implement thoughtful succession plans.
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